
The thing that makes me “me”.

My birth right, my weight to bear

Not This

Or That

But somewhere in between


The thing that makes me “me”

Or is it?

Because although my Mum’s from Brum and my Dad is Punjabi

What I see in them I don’t always see in me.


This is the cultural combination

Raw abrasion of two continents in dance.

I occupy the space where place and colour meet,

Where expectation fleets or complicates

Depending on the thought.

This is the cups of tea that found their way across borders

By force

By deception

By division

Forced submission

This is the cause

This is the root

And out the dust will rise


The thing that makes me “me”.

My emblem, my awkward friend,

Not here or there but somewhere in between.


The thing that makes me “me”.

Or is it?

Because although my Mum’s from Brum and my Dad is Punjabi

What I see in them I don’t always see in me.


Is the outsider

Is loosely linked

The foreigner at the function


Not quite rejected

But my difference is detected

It’s like: “No Grandad

I don’t wave my flag when the three lions play”

And it hurts every time that I hear you say some ignorant shit about my history.

And I know for a fact you’ve got love for me

So your ignorance is inconsistency.

And it’s like: “Sorry Auntie

I just don’t understand”

I don’t speak the language of my own fatherland

I’ve never set foot in your home, my past.

In school they used to say half-cast

And maybe I retained that shit

‘cause though they’re saying mixed race now

That still don’t seem to fit me in

See, the sentiment is sweeter, yeah,

But I still can’t see myself in there.

See, mixed means part one, part the other,

But I feel like I’m a whole new colour.


When I see my cousins I’m caught –

I don’t get that joke

I don’t know that quote

I feel alone.

I feel white when I’m with you.

I feel brown when I’m with them.

But on my ones I feel like neither

I’m a flower without a stem

I’m severed

Kept separate

This feels more like detachment than


The thing that makes me, breaks me,

Takes me to the brink of insanity

Because I can’t work out my identity


The best of both worlds

Transcending distance


The meeting place

The newest race


I am the missing link

The thing that finds the weakest chink

In the armour of this bigotry


This is culture intertwined

I am the one who crossed the line

I am hybrid

We are in between

Do not put me Here

Or There

Because I’m something else entirely

Something that is





The thing that sets me free


My greatest liberty.

I’m not like Her

And I’m not like He

And that is the thing that makes me “me”.

by Jonah Sharma


Take and Take

