Take and Take

‘mission to civilise’

what about a mission to harmonise

attuned to babies cries

what about accustomed to other ways of life

it is true in nature nothing exists alone

take Eve who wouldn’t exist without Adam’s bone

(take Western Europe and North America who wouldn’t exist without

African bones)

take the snake which rendered God’s children disowned

(take whitey who ripped innocent children from their homes)

take the tree which bared both life and the unknown

(take the tree to which bare black bodies began to grow)

take morality and humanity in which sin stole

(take blood-soaked tears and wear them as your most expensive, subtle-

scented cologne)

take an oppressor who does not exist without those who blindly condone

(take the real beasts who let earthly constructs like money corrupt their


take 400 years, did you not read what happened to pharaoh?

(take 400 years, i think whitey been wearing a blindfold)

take human beings and decide they were objects to be toyed with, to be


(take whitey who claimed black bodies, poor bodies were theirs to own)

take skin colour and decide ones hue signs a death note

(take history – stain and tint it with appealing shades of rose)

take precious people from the motherland to be dethroned

(take black identities and abuse them to lengths untold)

take the devils’ dance, for power, they really went toe-to-toe

(take 12.5 million+ transatlantically and cram them on a treacherous,

tiny boat)

take masterpieces and sell them for your white-washed shows

(take whips through flesh and re-create battle-zones)

take wonderful women, wear them down and create breeding zones

(take poor, young girls, with no mother or child to help console)

take melanated men and turn them into cattle clones

(take poor, young boys and treat them as things to be controlled)

take people from their cultures and in white-fashion force them to


(take more Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans to the west and under-

develop their actual homes)

take culture, take style, take mannerisms if it fits their goal

(take land, take generations, take names, they try and take it all)

take the white elitists, supremacists, who have an imperial image to


(take the nature of a coloured man, deform it; to the masses it’s sold)

take riches, steal oil, hone steel, and gold

(take precious artefacts and return them on a temporary loan)

take and continue to take, do you think whitey understands no?

(take and continue to take, yet bright our spirit ever-glows)

take and try to break us, you just can’t stop us negros

(take but they can’t take our music, our rhythm, how blues grew from


take comfort in the fact that your coloured skin puts you on heavenly


(take the stone that was rejected, did it not become the cornerstone?)

take your beautiful skin and do not forget the human that roams below

(take all of the above but they can never take your essence, your

perfectly-crafted soul)

it is true in nature nothing exists alone

oh children, the trauma they see cannot be undone

but let that be a fuel for the revolution to come

as displayed in Exodus, let His will be done

so we can live harmoniously, humanity as one.

by Angel-Noela


in memory of Aaron Bushnell
